Dr. Tonya Aloha Rogers, (the youngest of 10 children) is the most phenomenal and
dynamic Keynote Speaker that you will have the delightful pleasure to see and hear. She captivates and touches
your heart as she shares how God has gone before her throughout her life and in her ministry. She has written numerous music
study guides, produced tapes and videos. God has called Dr. Rogers not only to serve as Pastor of a local church, but
also to assist other Pastors and church leaders in maximizing the call of God upon their lives. As Pastor, she is impacting
the nation by teaching the uncompromising Gospel of Jesus Christ.
This multi-dimensional God-fearing woman is anointed with many gifts of the Spirit. She travels all over the world
to share the gospel by bringing a powerful word of exhoratation. God has blessed Dr. Rogers to go into foreign lands
to lay hands on those who were waiting to hear a fresh word from the Lord. The spirit of wisdom and knowledge flows within
Dr. Rogers and her compassion for the people of God is one of true love.
into ministry at the age of twelve, Dr. Rogers knew that God had a plan for her life. In her local church, she took a step
of faith and lead the young people at an early age. Since that time, God has opened many doors and she have preached
the gospel to thousands throughout the United States for over 40 years. The favor of God is upon Dr. Rogers and through the fruit of the Holy Spirit
she has become one of the most requested guest artist and keynote speaker for women’s ministry events and conferences
throughout the midwest. Pastor, Dr. Tonya Rogers has totally dedicated her entire life to Jesus Christ and
is faithfully obedient to the voice of the Lord.
Dr. Rogers is a leader who will certainly inspire and motivate you to
move your life to the next level of success in Christ Jesus. A sincere speaker that encourages young and old alike
that its never too late to give your life completely over to God. Her humorous and touching personal stories will allow your
heart to be open and will draw you closer to the foot of the cross. You will leave feeling renewed in the Spirit, revived
in your soul and a longing desire for a deeper relationship with Jesus the Christ.
Countless lives have been impacted by the music and ministry of Dr. Tonya Rogers. Her anointed voice
prepares your heart to be ushered into the presence of the Holy Spirit. She incorporates new and familiar praise and worship
songs and shares her music in concert. Her recordings are reaching and changing lives across the country. With faith and steadfastness,
creativity and selflessness, Dr. Rogers points everyone who has an ear to hear Heavenward.
as having “a rock solid faith and a true heart for the gospel message.” Dr. Tonya Aloha Rogers’s objective
is clear, that the world may know the Good News of Jesus Christ. As a conference speaker, solo recording artist, songwriter,
and worship leader, Dr. Rogers captivates and touches your heart as she shares her testimony through encouraging words and
powerful songs.
Open Door International Ministries
Inside of Bethesada Community Center
2845 W. Fond Dulac Avenue * Milwaukee, WI
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 090144 * Milwaukee, WI 53209
Phone: 414-585-5015