Living The Abundant Life!
We want to personally welcome you to
The Open Door International Ministries
Open Door International Ministries welcome people of every race and denominational background. We are here to help ordinary
people to achieve extraordinary heights in their walk with Christ. Teaching and disciplining all to become fully devoted followers
of Christ.
Dr. Tonya Aloha Rogers is our Pastor and Founder and together we thank you
for taking time to visit our website...and for your interest in wanting to find out more about us!
We have designed this website to help you become better acquainted with
The Open Door International and its many ministries and outreaches. We hope that as you view our website and visit our Worship
Services that you will consider becoming an active part of our church.
We would love for you to call The Open Door International Ministries Church
your home. Some of our website's features include: an interactive church events calendar, discussion forums, a place
for your prayer requests, and much more.
Living The Abundant Life!
Come join us at any one of our many services.
We would love to have you as our guest!
Our purpose is to worship God and to
bring all into fellowship with Jesus, the Christ. We believe that it is not by chance you have come by this way! We pray that
our site will minister to your spirit and encourage your heart. Always keeping in our mind that the ultimate mission
is to lead as many souls to the redemptive power of Jesus Christ before His soon coming.
The history of our church is a testimony
of God's awesome power and promise that what the Lord has spoken, He will surely bring to pass! The anointing that is
upon our Pastor has allowed her to live, preach and teach sound Doctrine according to the Scriptures. After reading
about our ministry and services at The Open Door International Ministries, you may be inspired to come by and see us.
We have an OPEN DOOR to all, who desire to hear nothing but the Word! Be Blessed!
Living The Abundant Life!
God delights
in seeing you prosperous and successful!! We
hope to see you real soon!
God desires that you be so blessed that you can turn around and
be a blessing everywhere you go! He wants you to have so much peace, so much joy, so much victory that when other people come
in contact with you, the anointing of abundance will spill over onto them! In the book of Psalms, David said, "MY
CUP RUNS OVER." He was overflowing with the anointing - the tangible, effective power of God. Too many
people today have a barely-get-by-mentality. They settle for thoughts like, "I CAN BARELY PAY MY BILLS... I
HAVE AN OKAY JOB... I HAVE AN OKAY MARRIAGE." But God... God sent His only
begotten son Jesus. Jesus came so that we can live an abundant life! That means an abundance of joy, an abundance of
peace, an abundance of health, an abundance of finances. You may not see it right now, and maybe you haven't experienced
it in the past, but don't get compalcent and just settle for where you are. Get a vision for your future! Get a vision
for increase! Get a vision for Abundance! Psalm 35:27 says, "Let them say continually, 'Let the Lord be magnified
who has pleasure in the prosperity of His children." God delights to see you prosperous and successful. When you
choose to think God's thoughts and choose God's way, you will see that increase and victory in every area of you life.
Now is the time to move forward and live the abundant life God has planned for you!
Open Door International Ministries
Inside of Bethesada Community Center
2845 W. Fond Dulac Avenue * Milwaukee, WI
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 090144 * Milwaukee, WI 53209
Phone: 414-585-5015