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Although we are going through a recession right now. Millions of people are losing their jobs at
an alarming pace. Some are in a state of despair and don't know how they are going to make it. Some may not know how to make
their money stretch. Some don't know how to switch gears. Even those who have been making it from pay check to pay check and
doesn't know how to survive without a job.
Dr. Tonya Rogers has a passion for helping people, therefore you don't have to worry again. Dr. Rogers
has the strategy exist for overcoming fear and dealing with anxiety over what is happening in the outside world. Even if our
outer circumstances are deplorable, our response to them doesn't have to make us depressed. Yes, Dr. Rogers has the answer.
God has taught her how to make it with nothing! She has been working with "Nothing but Favor"
for many years. God has called Dr. Rogers for such a time as this to teach others about the
Favor of God and how it can work for you! Yes, YOU!
"Working with Nothing But Favor" is an answer to many prayers. Knowing
that God’s Favor is truly better than Money. Dr. Rogers is willing and ready to travel to you with this Empowering,
Encouraging, Motivational Message that will leave a lasting impression on you, your group and your congregation. She has valuable
information and materials that can be purchased and items that she will leave with you. Don't wait another moment.. call or
e-mail Dr. Rogers today at:
414-444-1GOD or
Open Door International Ministries
Inside of Bethesada Community Center
2845 W. Fond Dulac Avenue * Milwaukee, WI
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 090144 * Milwaukee, WI 53209
Phone: 414-585-5015