What is a Faith Partner??
We value the opportunity to partner with you to take God's message to the world. It
is only through dedicated sponsors such as yourselves that His Word is able to make an impact for God's Kingdom. The
law of sowing and reaping is indeed valid and we know that as you sow into the good ground of this ministry, God will richly
reward you for your contributions. Please select payment and register as a Partner with Open Door International Ministries.
Together we can work to further the Kingdom of Heaven through strategic intercession, Spirit-led
networking, and crucial leadership training. Your generous financial support is crucial. Please take a moment and ask the
Lord how you can be apart of what God is doing through the Open Door International Ministries. Thank you for your prayers
and support!
Although it is a tremendous challenge, we are committed in taking the gospel throughout the nation and
the world. Together we are in this battle with committed friends called Faith
Partners. Through our Faith Partners Ministry we have a
global vision to make a difference in the life of humanity.
Through this ignited and inspiring global vision here at Open Door International Ministires, we strive
to assist and empower the community to reach the world for Jesus Christ. We would be honored to have you among
this outstanding global partnership.
Open Door International Ministries
Inside of Bethesada Community Center
2845 W. Fond Dulac Avenue * Milwaukee, WI
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 090144 * Milwaukee, WI 53209
Phone: 414-585-5015