Open Door International Ministries

Prison Ministry

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We are an Apostolic organization with a vision to reach the incarcerated population. Here at the Open Door International Ministries we are compelled by faith to impact a lost and dying world by the preaching and teaching of the Living Word of God. The Word declares that God's Word is not bound (II Timothy 2:9). Prison bars will not stop the Word of God. It is our hope to impact lives that have simply made mistakes and are ready for a better way. We know that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). The problem is too many people have no vision, and where there is no vision, the people perish (Prov. 29:18). Vision will keep you sharp, disciplined, focused, on-track, and looking ahead. When a person gets close enough to Jesus, they will catch the vision.


We currently have different groups, whereby we can minister. Bible Study Groups * Counseling - one-on-one talks  with Church services in Concert Songs and Prayer meeting Groups

Pastor, Dr. Tonya Rogers, along with an anointed ministry team, travel once a month to different correctional facilities, to preach the gospel, share personal testimonies and minister in song.  Their purpose is to touch those hearts that are desiring more of God. It's a time the team looks forward to every month. God is doing great and mighty things in the lives of the inmates! He's saving lost souls, healing broken lives, and setting men and women free from the sins of their past. Our prison team wants to show the love of God and encourage them not to give up on God or themselves, because God has a plan for each and every person.


The Word declares that God's people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). We are living in the last days where knowledge is being poured out to all that are hungry. We must all gather at the Master's table and begin to eat. There is a living hope that reaches past any problems. Jesus Christ is that living hope. Jesus Christ is that living water that will fill all who come to drink regardless of past mistakes. With God, all things are possible if we will only believe (Luke 18:27).



Our vision is to help inmates come to the knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ in truth. We not only want them saved (Acts 2:38) but to be able to share their testimony with their friends and love ones. The prisoners will learn what God has for their lives, and that all are precious in God's eyes and that He has a purpose and a plan for each and every one. Our desire is to reveal this to those who are languishing and have low self esteem. In the same way, to build them up to a place where their own families and friends will see that God has done a wonderful thing in their lives; reconciling families to their fathers, mothers, wives, husbands, sons and daughters, and marriages restored, the very essence of our society that is divided, being made whole.


Currently we are in Partnership With: T.D. Jakes and Kenneth Copeland Prison Ministries - Through our partnerships we are sending books, tapes, and Bibles to numerous facilities covering the 50 United States and surrounding areas. We are educating and helping countless prisoners through Bible Correspondence Courses as well.

"I have placed before you an OPEN DOOR that no man can shut!" (Rev 3:8)


Open Door International Ministries

Inside of Bethesada Community Center

2845 W. Fond Dulac Avenue *  Milwaukee, WI 53210

Mailing Address: 

P.O. Box 090144 * Milwaukee, WI 53209

Phone: 414-585-5015